- A valid, level 4 or higher Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, leadership certificate, Life certificate, or service certificate with a recommendation from a school district is required for program admission. Educators with leadership, Life, or service certificates must have held a Professional teaching certificate
This is a job-embedded program. Candidates must practice coaching skills including developing and delivering professional learning to individuals and groups.
Course Descriptions
The Endorsement is divided into two courses consisting of 5 PLUs each and must be taken in sequence. Completion of the two courses is required in order to add the Coaching Endorsement to an existing level 4 professional teaching certificate or higher.
Course 1: Fundamentals of Coaching
This 5 PLU course introduces the roles and responsibilities of an instructional coach, develops an understanding of the coaching process, and provides the candidates with the tools and abilities needed to successfully perform as a coach in the teaching and learning processes of schools. This course is one of two courses that constitute the Georgia state endorsement for Instructional Coaching in public schools.
Course 2: Gaining Perspectives: Approaches to Coaching
This course explores various approaches to instructional coaching, which includes instructional/academic coaching, mentoring student teachers or GaTAPP teachers, and coaching beginning teachers. In addition, candidates will refine skills in differentiated coaching and culturally proficient coaching. Candidates will observe and practice coaching skills through performance-based field experienc