(150 Contact Hours, 15 PLUs, Certification Add-on)
Middle Georgia RESA GaPSC approved Reading Endorsement for a total of 15 PLUs.  MGRESA offers the three courses to earn a Reading Endorsement. This program endeavors to abide by and provide expertise in accordance with the PSC rule 505-3-.96 READING ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM
Candidate admission to the MGRESA Endorsement Program requires the following:
  • A valid, level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate, leadership certificate, service field certificate is required for program admission.
Candidates must register online under Online Registration for each course of the Reading Endorsement and follow the link to print the application for system approval.

This is a job-embedded program. Candidates must practice skills with students.   

Course 1:  Literacy Foundations

Course Description

This introductory course explores the critical components of literacy development and introduces candidates to the components of Reading, as identified by the National Reading Panel Report.  An integral part of teaching students is a comprehensive understanding of the foundations of reading. The course will also address literacy frameworks and instructional approaches.

Course 2: Literacy Connections

Course Description

This second course explores the basics of dyslexia, written expression development and processes, and content literacy.  An integral part of literacy instruction is the literacy environment, and this too is explored. The course will also address instructional approaches, including literacy stations.

Course 3: Literacy Inquiries

Course Description

This final course explores the selection, administration, and analysis of literacy assessments.  An integral part of literacy instruction is the ability to assess students’ content knowledge and literacy processes. The course will address the use of assessments to plan instruction and will involve the completion of a case study project.