(150 Contact Hours, 15 PLUs)
Middle Georgia RESA GaPSC approved Special Education Transition Endorsement for a total of 15 PLUs. MG RESA offers the three courses and the Authentic Residency required by the Georgia PSC to earn a Special Education Transition Endorsement. This program endeavors to abide by and provide expertise in accordance with PSC rule 505-3-.101 SPECIAL EDUCATION TRANSITION SPECIALIST ENDORSEMENT PROGRAM .
Candidate admission to the MGRESA Endorsement Program requires the following:
- A valid, level 4 or higher Induction, Professional, Advanced Professional, or Lead Professional teaching certificate is required for program admission.
- Teachers must have access to 8th – 12th grade students in order to complete the endorsement work.
Candidates must register online under Online Registration for each course of the SPED Transition Endorsement and follow the link to print the application for system approval
This is a job-embedded program. Candidates must practice skills with students.
Course Descriptions
The Endorsement is divided into three courses consisting of 5 PLUs each and must be taken in sequence. Completion of the three courses is required in order to add to the SPED Transition endorsement to an existing level 4 professional teaching certificate or higher.
Course 1: Introduction to Transition
This course is one of three courses of the Transition Specialist Endorsement. The course focuses on an introduction to the field of special education transition to post‐secondary outcomes, foundations special education transition, and self‐determination for students with disabilities. The course will provide an online instruction and application opportunity, orienting participants to the field of transition and the needs of secondary level students with disabilities. The online approach will model the same process of scientific inquiry as a regular classroom structure including reading, course projects, discussion, and other interactive experiences. The course provides effective teaching methodologies and strategies that can be used when preparing students with disabilities to access transition services.
Course 2: Transition Assessment, Planning and Collaboration
This course is one of three courses of the Transition Specialist Endorsement. The course focuses on transition assessment and transition planning, as well as collaborative delivery of transition services for students with disabilities. The course will provide an online instruction and application opportunity in selection and administration of transition assessment, the use of transition to plan for instruction and the collaborative delivery of transition services designed to meet the needs of secondary level students with disabilities. The online approach will model the same process of scientific inquiry as a regular classroom structure including reading, course projects, discussion, and other interactive experiences. The course provides effective teaching methodologies and strategies that can be used when preparing students with disabilities to access transition services.
Course 3: Delivery of Transition Services and Program Evaluation
This course is one of three courses of the Transition Specialist Endorsement. The course focuses on transition plan implementation, as well as the evaluation of transition services for students with disabilities. The course will provide an online instruction and application opportunity in selection and provision of transition services to secondary level students with disabilities. Program evaluation and the development of recommendations for program improvement are also addressed. The online approach will model the same process of scientific inquiry as a regular classroom structure including reading, course projects, discussion, and other interactive experiences. The course provides effective teaching methodologies and strategies that can be used when preparing students with disabilities to achieve their post-secondary goals.