The VI Endorsement consists of seven, 5 PLU courses and is designed to prepare entry level, special education teachers to serve visually impaired students.
Candidate admission to the MGRESA Endorsement Program requires the following:
- To be eligible for the Special Education Visual Impairment Endorsement, the applicant must hold a level four (4) or higher induction or professional certificate in any Special Education P-12 Consultative field or the joint field of Special Education General Curriculum/Early Childhood Education
GAPSC Rule: 505-3-.102 Visual Impairment Endorsement Rule
Survey of Courses
Course 1: Characteristics and Psychology of Visual Impairment (Online) lays the foundation for learning effective communication, academic, and independence skills that will prepare visually impaired students to become self-respecting, contributing adults within their communities. Program Entry, course must be taken first.
Course 2: Anatomy, Physiology, and Diseases of the Eye (Online) introduces prospective teachers of students with visual impairments to the anatomy and physiology of the human eye, the anatomical and cognitive processes involved in vision, and diseases of the eye.
Course 3: Introduction to Assistive Technology (Blended: Three Days In-residence (24 hrs), Online Course Work (26 hrs) engages candidates in learning to use and teach students with visual impairments how to use assistive technology in all aspects of their lives. The ability to generalize the use of the assistive technologies should have an impact on career education, compensatory skills (braille), recreation and leisure, social skills (via social media), and independent living skills.
Course 4: Introduction to Orientation and Mobility (Blended: Three Days In-residence (24 hrs), Online Course Work (26 hrs), commonly refered to as, O&M is a profession which focuses on instructing individuals who are blind or visually impaired to safely and effectively travel through their environment. Individual O&M instructors can work for schools, government agencies or do private contracting for their services.
The final three courses must be taken in order.
Course 5: Literary Braille and Braille for Learning (Online) provides instruction in the development, use, and application of the literary Braille code and its implications for education programs for students with visual impairments. Candidates will develop the skills to read and write contracted and uncontracted braille so they are proficient Braille readers who can write braille properly and adapt literacy strategies for teaching children who are blind to read, write, and do simple math. Candidates will use their knowledge of reading and writing literary Braille as a foundation to learn skills to assist students learning math, science, and other areas requiring specialized Braille codes.
Course 6: Assessment of Learners with Visual Impairment (Online) including those with Multiple Disabilities explores Essential Assessments for Learners with Visual Impairments – Functional Vision Evaluations for student with single AND multiple disability in Visual Impairments
Course 7: Methods of Instruction for Students with Visual Impairments (Online) provides in-depth knowledge and skills that teachers of students with visual impairments must have to meet the heterogeneous needs of children and adolescents with visual impairment/blindness from 3 to 22 years. The course will cover access to (1) the general education/core curriculum and alignment with Georgia State Standards and (2) the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students with Visual Impairments, Including those with Additional Disabilities (ECC).
For more information or questions contact:
Dr. Christina Davis
VIE Program Coordinator